The current rates/donations to cover the cost of the course are detailed on the Rates / Donations page. The full fee is due on the day the course is started and will pay for 60 winch launches, a log book, a copy of "Laws and Rules" and membership of the Upward Bound Trust for the duration of the course. Should the student require more than 60 launches before going solo, then these will be paid for by the individual at club rates. After completing the course and flying solo the student will become eligible to receive the 'A' certificate awarded by the British Gliding Association.
Regular attendance is very necessary to make the training worthwhile and to become part of our team. You must also be at least 14 years old and able to pass a simple medical before flying solo. As a rule we do not accept potential students younger than 14 on the solo course, though they can take part on a One Day Course and be accepted on to the waiting list for the Solo Course.
Please note, the maximum individual pilot weight we are permitted to carry in the Upward Bound Trust training gliders is 225lb or 16 stones (102kg). This limit is set by the maximum permitted seat capacity of the glider and we cannot accept applicants whose weight exceeds this limit.